Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2017

teamLab at Pace Gallery London 2017

Pace London is showing a phenomenal exhibition called Transcending Boundaries by a group called teamLab. 

Universe of Water Particles, Transcending Boundaries (teamLab, 2017, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi)

The exhibition shows interactive digital installations in three rooms. The visitor steps behind the curtain into the first dark room and is welcomed into a very colourful phantasy world. A virtual waterfall flows from the top of the wall onto the floor. With every step and touch the flow of the water changes and reveals flowers and butterflies all around the room. 

Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Boarders, Ephemeral Life (teamLab, 2017, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless)

Flowers and People, Transcending Boundaries - A Whole Year per Hour (teamLab, 2017, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi)

The sound combined with the visual effects in the first room transcends the visitor into a different world. The playfulness of light and shadow and refelections on the visitors' own body creates a wonderful sense of lightness.
The second room shows an installation called Dark Waves. Simulated waves on a collection of six screens in a dark room create a calm feeling, though the waves are roaring over the screens. The sound, that can be heard from the first room, is very soothing, and watching the waves repeating their movement over and over is almost like meditation. 

Dark Waves (teamLab, 2016, Digital Work, 6 channels, Continuous Loop)

"teamLab aims to go beyond the boundaries of art, science, technology and creativity through collaborative initiatives." (Pace London)
Room three reveals yet another installation which the visitor reaches by passing through four curtains, which in turn lead through darkness and bright lights to sharpen their senses.
Before entering the last room a staff member will provide the visitor with a white scarf and then the magic begins. The installation Flowers Bloom on People does exactly what the title promises.

Flowers Bloom on People (teamLab, 2017, Digitized Nature, Endless)

"Without people this installation is dark space. When people enter the room and stand still flowers blossom on the people and before long the flowers sread out below their feet." (Pace London)
The visitor acts as canvas for the artwork. 
All in all it's an amazing experience to enter this world of installations and merge with the artworks teamLab has created for this exhibition.

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